Adapting a resource for your context

You cannot change anything on this site, but you can download any resource and change it on your computer. Feel free to modify or contextualize the material. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Everything normally is in Word. In the case of manuals, tools or documents that are twelve pages or more there will normally also be a pdf version to confirm the configuration that Word should have (since Word’s configuration sometimes changes because of the internet or your printer). If the last page of the Word manual has the same configuration as the pdf and if each chapter begins on the page indicated in the Index, the configuration is probably good.
  2. The teaching needs to flow from your heart; adapt it for that.
  3. Indicate the sources in the footer of the page. Options:
    1. David Kornfield if you make small changes (in other words, leave it as is).
    2. David Kornfield and your name, if you change some parts significantly.
    3. Your name and David Kornfield if it is more your manual than his, but still definitely his.
    4. Your name without David Kornfield in the footer if the manual is significantly more yours than his, indicating at the beginning of the manual that you adapted David Kornfield’s manual.
  4. Always update the date in the footer so you know which is the most recent version.
  5. Send a copy of the changes to David so he can give you feedback and change his own manual if that will help the movement.